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Logo - Apple Real Estate - Agency of real estate

Apple Real Estate - Agency of real estate

Bol'shaya Sadovaya Ulitsa, 10, Moscow, Russia, 123001, Moscow, Russia
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Business Category

Russia:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Apple Real Estate - Agency of real estate

Apple Real Estate - агентство недвижимости в Москве * About us - history and achievements of Apple Real Estate * Team - Apple Real Estate Поможем с покупкой и продажей, возьмем недвижимость в управление, организуем юридически безопасную сделку. 1000 отзывов о работе агентов Apple Real Estate на сайте. * Apple Real Estate is an Agency with high customer service and an impeccable reputation. Learn more about us on this page. * Apple Real Estate is a high-tech Moscow real estate agency that specializes in elite properties. It carries out its activities in the field of high-class urban, suburban, residential and commercial real estate. Team. Apple Real Estate – A Unique Player in the Real Estate Market: 1. We have been successfully working with high-end and elite real estate since 2008 and offer a quality standard by which all others are measured. 2. We have exclusive agreements with a number of foreign companies and we know what levels of service and accommodation Expats need. 3. Our reputation is impeccable. 4. All of our listings are authentic. Unlike other agencies, we won’t list phony apartments for bait-and-switch schemes. 5. We have established relationships with other respectable agencies to maximize what we can show you. Just a Few Additional Services We Offer: 1. Consulting – real-estate advice and expertise on finding the right home or tenant 2. Professional Property Photography – displaying properties in the most effective way possible 3. Contract Preparation – drafting leases to protect you from any risks. 4. Insurance – provided free of charge 5. Support – offered throughout the duration of your lease.

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Personal Information for Apple Real Estate - Agency of real estate

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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