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Listing For Real Estate Business Company or Agent

What is a listing

A listing serves as an exclusive web page devoted entirely to your business or physical person as a realtor, broker, or real estate agent, acting as the primary gateway for potential clients. It showcases the company's or person's name, logo, descriptive text, and contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers, website details, and links to mobile messengers and social media accounts.

Additionally, other important pages are linked from listing, such as realty properties that are offered by the agent, additional activities, products and services, promotions and discounts.
listing can be free or paid

Listing Rules

  1. Both official companies and physical persons can be added, such as realtors, brokers, agents and other realty experts
  2. A user can add unlimited number of listings
  3. All listings are moderated
  4. Disapproved listings can be modified and resubmitted for remoderation
  5. Listing must be complete, that is, contain all required info
  6. Duplicate listings are not allowed, however, branches and representative offices can be added, for example, offices in other cities or countries.
Agency Listing
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