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Albania real estate

Rr. Durresit, kryqezimi me Rr. Milan Shuflaj. Nr. 5 Tirana, 12208, Albania, Albania, Albania
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Albania:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Albania real estate

Real Estate in Tirana. Office, villa, apartment for rent or sale Albania. * Agjensi Imobiliare Tirane. Zyra, Vila, Apartament ne shitje dhe qera. * Redirecting to / Real Estate Agency in Tirana ,Albania. Apartments, Lands, Villas , Office and other properties for long-term rent or for sale in Albania. * Agjensi Imobiliare ne Tirane , Shqiperi. Shitje apo blerje pasuri paluajteshme : Apartamente, Vila, Shtepi, truall, Zyra me qera dhe shitje ne Tirane e qytete Shqipetare * Redirecting to / Here at Albania Real Estate, our main goal is to make it easier for everyone to buy or sell their property. We use the internet to bring the choices to you. Whether you reside in Albania or not you can view our full list of properties online, with detailed pictures and information. Our properties vary from very large land plots in the Albanian Riviera (40 to 300+ Ha) destined for tourism development or commercial sites, to villas, apartments or smaller land plots, for rent or sale in almost all areas of Albania. After you've done your research on our site please contact us and let us know what you are considering. One of our experienced agents will inform you more on your decision and maybe offer a few more ideas that may benefit you. "An informed customer is a happy customer" and happy customers are who we're after. Our agents will work hard to help you find the property you are looking for. You will then meet one of our agents who will accompany you on-site, and will help you arrange a compromise with the owners. After reaching an agreement between seller/buyer, the process will then go to our Legal Staff, who will carefully check the property before you buy, to ensure there are no conflicts of ownership or any other legal issues. They will then carefully arrange all documents necessary, while ensuring that both parties' terms are met. Albania Real Estate will be with you every step of the way!

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