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Logo - The Park Oak Grove

The Park Oak Grove

4920 Woodmar Dr SW, 24018, Roanoke, Virginia, United States
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Business Category

United States:: ~ United States:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at The Park Oak Grove

Choose The Park Oak Grove for senior living programs that adhere to industry-leading standards. Our dedicated senior living consultants deliver attentive care to enhance the quality of life for seniors. We blend personalized service with top-notch lifestyle programs and amenities within a welcoming community. Our signature facilities include a beauty salon, library, and restaurant-style meals. Stay active and socialize with fellow residents through various activities like arts and crafts, movies, and games. Discover our retirement community in Roanoke, VA, and explore the range of assisted living programs we offer.

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Home based?: no
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