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Logo - Gourmet House of Hong Kong

Gourmet House of Hong Kong

1438 E McDowell Rd, 85006, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
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United States:Commercial Properties:Restaurants

What we do at Gourmet House of Hong Kong

Discover the hidden gem of Gourmet House of Hong Kong, nestled in the heart of downtown Phoenix within a modest yet robust neighborhood. Despite its unassuming exterior, this restaurant stands out as a haven for exquisite Hong Kong-style Chinese cuisine. The culinary offerings at Gourmet House of Hong Kong are nothing short of extraordinary, accompanied by a pricing range that is remarkably reasonable and, at times, downright inexpensive. Conveniently situated across from Banner Good Samaritan Hospital, the restaurant attracts a steady stream of weekday lunch patrons, including doctors, nurses, and hospital staff seeking an authentic and affordable dining experience. On weekends, a diverse clientele gathers around Lazy Susan-style tables, where Chinese-speaking Americans mingle with patrons from all corners of the Valley. Even for those residing miles away from Central Phoenix, the allure of Gourmet House of Hong Kong is strong, compelling enthusiasts to embark on a journey of anticipation for the delectable fare it offers. The restaurant boasts a charming mix of patrons, creating a delightful tapestry of Chinese food lovers from various backgrounds.

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Home based?: no
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