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Central FL Houses

16413 Bristol Lake Circle, 32828, orlando, florida, United States
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United States:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Central FL Houses

Sell My House Fast Central Florida We Buy Houses Central Florida * Sell Your House Fast in Central Florida Central FL Houses * About Central FL Houses Central Florida - 407-733-3302 We buy houses in Central Florida. No repairs. No commissions. No hassle. No paperwork. No obligation. Sell my house fast in Central Florida as-is. Cash home buyers * We’re a direct cash house buyer in Florida that buys houses in any condition, as-is. Need repairs? We’ll cover them! Without listing fees & open houses. * Central FL Houses is based in Orlando and focuses on helping home owners who need to sell their house fast, do so quickly, for a fair price, without the hassles of traditional selling… Central Florida Houses is a family-owned real estate solutions company based in Orlando. We help distressed homeowners with quick selling options to get out of difficult situations. Sell your house in Central Florida and the nearby areas for cash in less than seven days. Our entire process is simple, hassle-free, transparent, and quick.After contacting us with property details, we will review the property and give you a fair cash offer within 24 hours. Our offers are carefully made based on the property condition, current real estate market, and other factors. If you’re pleased with the deal, we can close at a nearby title company on your schedule. We buy houses as-is, and you don’t need to pay us any commissions or closing fees. Visit https://www.centralflhouses.com/ for more information.

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Type of business: real estate
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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