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Selene New York

100 E 53rd St,, 10022, New York, New York, United States
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United States:Real Estate:Property Management

What we do at Selene New York

Presenting Selene, the inaugural and exclusive luxury condominiums in Midtown NYC, meticulously designed by the acclaimed Pritzker Prize-winning Foster + Partners in collaboration with the distinguished recipients of AD 100, William T. Georgis and Joseph Dirand. Derived from the rich inspiration of the city and neighboring modernist architectural achievements, SELENE emerges as a timeless contemporary landmark, resonating with the geometric strength akin to iconic structures like the Seagram Building and Lever House. Celebrating the dynamic essence of the city at its base and embracing the surrounding light and air, the distinctive undulating glass façade bathes each residence in natural light, enhancing the volumetric proportions. SELENE further accentuates the clarity and luminosity of its design, offering a welcoming sanctuary through lifestyle features and amenities.

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Home based?: no
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