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Logo - Steady


379 West Broadway, 2nd Floor, 10012, New York, New York, United States
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Business Category

United States:Real Estate:Property Management

What we do at Steady

Steady Rent Property Management Solutions for the Single-Family Rental Market * Steady Rent Property Management Solutions for the Single-Family Rental Market * Steady Rent Property Management Solutions for the Single-Family Rental Market Steady Rent offers property managers solutions that share the same goal: Remove risk for property owners, boost profits for property managers, and save time with automation. * Steady Rent offers property managers solutions that share the same goal: Remove risk for property owners, boost profits for property managers, and save time with automation. * Steady Rent offers property managers solutions that share the same goal: Remove risk for property owners, boost profits for property managers, and save time with automation. At Steady, we help you make sure your company is ahead by providing tailored solutions for property managers that can help streamline their business. Leverage Steady’s solutions as part your strategy today! Steady Solutions Steady Rent Provide owners with up to 12 months of rent payments upfront, regardless of resident payment. Rent Advance delivers 100% certainty with zero risk. Property Managers receive their management fees in advance as well! Owner Benefit Package Partner with Steady and offer owners a benefits package that delivers true peace of mind. The Owner Benefit Package provides Rent Default Insurance benefits against resident nonpayment, access to Steady's Rent Advance program, plus useful insights like quarterly asset reports, market updates, and legislative briefings.

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Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2018
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 11
Spoken Languages: n/a
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