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Logo - Anchor-Safe Home Inspections, LLC

Anchor-Safe Home Inspections, LLC

30548, Hoschton, Georgia, United States
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United States:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Anchor-Safe Home Inspections, LLC

Home Inspection Hoschton GA by Anchor-Safe Home Inspectors * About Us - Anchor-Safe Home Inspections * Home Inspection Services - Anchor-Safe Home Inspections For accurate home inspection in Hoschton, GA trust only the certified and licensed home inspectors at Anchor Safe. Call our experienced home inspector in Hoschton, GA now. * Anchor Safe is a veteran-owned business run by a nationally certified home inspector, a member of both ASHI & GAHI. Call our experts and book your home inspection now. * We offer reliable home inspection services where we inspect mold, heating systems, air conditioning, radon, & much more. Schedule an inspection today! Dino Favara Sr. is the President and owner of Anchor-Safe Home Inspections, LLC. In 2000, he retired after serving 24 years as a U.S. Navy Deep Sea Diver, Surface Warfare and Master Training Specialist (That explains the Deep Sea Diver in our Logo!). He received 6 Good Conduct Medals, 3 Navy Achievement Medals, 3 Commendation Medals (One of them for saving the life of a child). Dino started his second career in residential construction and soon found himself directing all customer service and home warranty efforts for two national home builders. He has over 19 years of residential construction and building science experience and is passionate about serving and educating his clients during the home inspection process. While on active duty, he completed his undergraduate degree in Education from Valdosta State University and received his MBA from Brenau University in 2002. He is a “Nationally Certified Home Inspector”, a member of both ASHI & GAHI. Also, Nationally Certified to teach and measure Radon Activity Levels in your home. Dino is committed to serving his customers and ensuring they have a great home buying experience. He has been married to his beautiful wife Judy for over 30 years and blessed with 3 wonderful kids.

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