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Logo - Homestead Properties LLC

Homestead Properties LLC

941 Rimrock Rd, 59102, Billings, Montana, United States
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Business Category

United States:Real Estate:Property Management

What we do at Homestead Properties LLC

Sell My House Fast Billings MT We Buy Houses Billings MT * Sell Your House Fast in Billings MT * About Homestead Properties LLC Sell House Fast In Billings tel:(406) 861-4229 We buy houses in Billings, MT Sell my house fast in Billings, MT. No closing cost. No fees. No commissions. No repairs. No obligation & hassle. * We’re a direct cash house buyer in MT that buys houses in any condition, as-is. Sell your house in Billings, MT Without listing fees & open houses. * Homestead Properties LLC is based in Billings and focuses on helping home owners who need to sell their house fast, do so quickly, for a fair price, without the hassles of traditional selling… Homestead Properties LLC is a locally-owned and family-operated real estate solutions company that helps distressed homeowners with quick home sales. We buy houses in Billings, MT, and the surrounding areas as-is for cash. We live in the Billings area, so we can understand your situation better and provide you with the best solutions. Our process is simple, quick, and transparent. After you get in touch with us with your property details, we’ll visit the location and give you a no-obligation offer within 24 hours. If you're pleased with it, we can close any time within a month on your schedule. We charge no commissions, and we’ll pay your closing fees. Visit our website https://www.myhomesteadmt.com/ to learn more about our easy process.

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Contact Person: Mr Homestead Properties LLC

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
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