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Logo - Firm Capital Limited

Firm Capital Limited

11 Bressenden Pl, SW1E 5BY, n/a, City of Westminster, United Kingdom
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Business Category

United Kingdom:Real Estate:Investment

What we do at Firm Capital Limited

FirmCapitalLimited.com is a digital assets trading and management company, simplifying the complex world of crypto investing. Our blockchain-backed investment products offer financial stability and security to investors, whether experienced or new to the market. We understand the challenges in navigating the crypto space, with its numerous exchanges and regulatory considerations. Our platform removes hurdles, providing a clear path to potential returns. Additionally, we offer real estate investment opportunities, leveraging our expertise in key markets like London, Dubai, Singapore, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong. Our mission is to prioritize customer satisfaction, assisting them in achieving their real estate goals through intelligent processes and digital technology. Clients can now join our Real Estate Fund, investing in our diverse portfolio and earning dividends over the contract period. At FirmCapitalLimited.com, we prioritize customer needs and security, ensuring a seamless and rewarding investment experience.

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Personal Information for Firm Capital Limited

Contact Person: Mr Robinson Gates

Business Details

Type of business: Investment Company
Year founded: 2011
Year started activity: 2011
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 788
Spoken Languages: All languages
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