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Logo - AlShowaier Investment and Real Estate Development

AlShowaier Investment and Real Estate Development

Jarir St, Al Malaz, Riyadh 12836, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh , na, Saudi Arabia
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Business Category

Saudi Arabia:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at AlShowaier Investment and Real Estate Development

ABDULAZIZ BIN ALI ALSHOWAIER - Owner and CEO Abdulaziz Bin Ali AlShowaier is a trailblazer in the real estate development sector in Saudi Arabia. His journey began in 1968, establishing one of the first specialized offices dedicated to real estate services. The office primarily focuses on the construction and rental of various types of residential units. With over 30 years of extensive experience, the office has evolved and expanded its services to cover different areas of Riyadh. It has achieved this by constructing a diverse range of housing units strategically located in well-selected areas. The residential units offered to customers range from small, elegant apartments to spacious, luxurious villas in various regions. These residential units stand out due to their highly distinguished interior designs. Careful consideration has been given to providing customers with multiple options, including furnished or semi-furnished units, and independent units or those within a compound. Compound units come with additional facilities such as swimming pools, gardens, sports centers, and more. It is a source of great pleasure to offer this extensive experience in the vibrant field of real estate to serve your needs.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
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