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Logo - Park View City Islamabad

Park View City Islamabad

Office no 36 and 37 , Ground Floor Luxus Mall, Islamabad, 46000, N/A, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Real Estate:Investment

What we do at Park View City Islamabad

Regency Marketing is a dynamic force in the real estate marketing industry, boasting a team of professionals characterized by their active, energetic, and high-spirited approach. Within our ranks, we bring together real estate marketing experts, digital technology specialists, and award-winning creative designers. This talented ensemble is well-versed in delivering an extensive range of marketing and creative solutions tailored specifically for our prominent clients, who happen to be some of the largest real estate companies in the market.

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Personal Information for Park View City Islamabad

Contact Person: Ms Muhammad Ihtisham

Business Details

Type of business: Housing Society
Year founded: 2017
Year started activity: 2018
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 90
Spoken Languages: English,Urdu
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