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Logo - Fatani Estate

Fatani Estate

54-c lane 2, D.H.A. Phase 8, Karachi, sindh, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Fatani Estate

Fatani Estate, a prominent figure in Karachi's real estate scene, emerges as your reliable ally in navigating the dynamic property market of this lively city. With a heritage dating back to 1958, we have continually evolved and expanded, now led by the third generation of the Fatani family, upholding the vision and values instilled by our predecessors. At Fatani Estate, we boast a team of dedicated professionals committed to providing the utmost level of service and satisfaction to our clients. Armed with extensive knowledge and expertise in the real estate industry, we endeavor to deliver exceptional outcomes for buyers, sellers, and investors. Our profound understanding of Karachi's local real estate market empowers us to offer valuable insights and guidance to our clients. We stay updated on the latest trends, developments, and regulations in the industry, ensuring that our clients receive precise and timely information. Integrity, transparency, and professionalism form the bedrock of our business philosophy. We prioritize the establishment of robust relationships with our clients, grounded in trust and open communication. We attentively listen to their needs, preferences, and goals, tailoring our services to cater to their distinctive requirements.

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Personal Information for Fatani Estate

Contact Person: Mr Fatani Estate

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1958
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: Urdu
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