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Real Estate Karachi

Feature Colony, Main Abbasi Chowk Landhi, 75120, karachi, Punjab, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Real Estate Karachi

The vibrant city of Karachi has consistently captivated both tourists and its own residents. It is commonly held that individuals who have experienced life in Karachi are unlikely to opt for another city in Pakistan for their residence. Home to numerous multinational organizations, a flourishing trade and business sector, and a diverse population, properties in Karachi are in high demand for both commercial and residential purposes. The real estate landscape in Karachi is versatile and dynamic, providing a plethora of options for residential and commercial users, surpassing those available in other cities. From expansive bungalows to smaller villas, Karachi's realty sector also presents plots and flats, ensuring diverse accommodation options. However, acquiring property in Karachi is often deemed challenging as prices have surged due to immense demand. Purchasing a house in Karachi's upscale and popular areas demands a substantial financial investment, often beyond the means of middle-income groups. Consequently, many individuals opt for flats in Karachi, considering them a more affordable and convenient choice. Furthermore, with the increasing number of projects in Karachi, residents have the flexibility to choose from a variety of property options.

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Personal Information for Real Estate Karachi

Contact Person: Mr Malik Asad

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: english
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