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Logo - Blue World City

Blue World City

1st Floor, Hafiz Plaza, Main P.W.D. Road, O-9, Islamabad., islamabad, Pakistan
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Pakistan:Real Estate:Agents, Brokers, Realtors

What we do at Blue World City

Leading Real Estate Agency Islamabad Best Property Agents * Blue World City Islamabad updated Payment Plan NOC updates * Capital Smart City Islamabad Location and Map Payment Plans Deal and Deals Pvt. Ltd, is Islamabad’s Best Real Estate Agency offering plots for sale in Blue World, Capital Smart, Park View City, and University Town. * Blue world city Islamabad is an upcoming housing society located on the Main Chakri Road alongside the Lahore – Islamabad M2 * Capital Smart City Islamabad is the 1st ever smart city in Pakistan. Installment and payment plans are available. Blue World City Islamabad is an exciting project in Islamabad’s real estate market segment. The project is being developed by the famous Blue Group of Companies in collaboration with Shan Jian Municipal Engineering Company, a well-reputed Chinese construction firm. Blue World City Islamabad is a legally approved housing society by Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA), which makes this housing society a secure place to invest.

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Home based?: no
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